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Why child prodigy ev?

Depression and mental health in children and adolescents. These are topics that we don't talk about that often in everyday life, or perhaps don't like to talk about at all.


And that's exactly what we want to change with Wunderkind eV. Why?


First: Because depression is an illness that can affect anyone. That means you, me, each of us can be affected by it at some point in our lives. Therefore, it is important for all of us to know a little better.


Secondly: There are still far too many misconceptions about depression. That needs to change. For example, many do not even know that it is a disease that can be treated well. And all too often you still encounter this prejudice that someone with depression can just pull themselves together a bit. Would you say that to someone with a broken leg or diabetes? Exactly not.


andThirdit's really high time that depression is no longer taboo: Nobody, really nobody should have to feel ashamed today because they have depression. In general, mental illness should not be seen as a gimmick, but for what it is. As illnesses that are not your own fault.


And it's like this: the more we talk about depression, the more we understand it and the better we can deal with this illness. It doesn't matter whether it's with us or with others. So let's talk about it.

Kinder machen Handstand

Our information portal and community 'Wunderkind' is all about the mental health of children and young people. We want to educate about depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders and ADHD. Those affected and their relatives and friends can find help and exchange ideas through experience reports.


Wunderkind works closely with the LMU Munich, both with the psychotherapeutic outpatient clinic for children and adolescents and the clinic and polyclinic for child and adolescent psychiatry, psychosomatics and psychotherapy (KJP).


We do not offer personal advice on our website. You will find information, field reports, checklists and access to a community. If you need help, please use our help button. 

Who is behind Wunderkind ev?
How did the idea for Wunderkind ev come about?
The Big Five For Life

I read the book 'The Big Five for Life' by John Strelecky many years ago. His work is about finding out what really matters in life and focusing on it. I had a clear idea of what these Big Five will be for my life. And I always thought it was going to be an achievements. Conditions that I achieve, that I can be proud of and that I consciously work towards.

Find meaning in the crisis

What I didn't realize is that a crisis could also become one of my Big Five. And my biggest lesson that I will probably receive in my life. I've learned so much about myself through my daughter's depression. When I realized that I can't help by my action. When I had to learn that I can't heal her. When I'm usually good and efficient at solving challenges. So I looked at myself. And busy with myself. And that was very, very instructive for me.


responses and exchanges

There is a good selection of literature and information portals on mental health, especially depression in children and adolescents. I find all of these very valuable and an enormously important contribution to our society because when one of my children fell ill, I was looking for nothing but answers. Answers and at some point also the exchange. It's not that easy, because the subject of depression, perhaps especially in children and young people, is largely taboo in our society, in my view.

Recognizing Depression 


If suddenly one of your children very sad, very depressed. is very listless and you realize that this is not just a temporary puberty boost, but a serious illness, one topic above all comes to light: How does it actually feel? I think that because I couldn't understand how my child was really doing either, I felt numb myself for a long time. Dealing with the situation, dealing with my family system and above all with myself taught me one thing: To look towards what is. To live consciously in the moment. to practice gratitude. And to recognize my feelings. to express. And also to set limits.

Do the right thing

Although I sought help from experts early on and my child quickly found a place in therapy, I found it a challenge to accompany and support this illness. Because I was often very alone with my decisions, feelings and actions. What I would have often wished for would have been a kind of instruction manual for me. About how best to deal with a situation. I know that no two people are the same. And no clinical picture is exactly the same as the other. Nevertheless, I was so often completely at a loss and overwhelmed with the question of whether I was doing the right thing or whether I was just making things worse. Especially when dealing directly with my child. But also with factors that affect our ecosystem - for example the school system, the extended family system, my child's friends.

Why child prodigy

So if there isn't already a manual, I decided for myself that I wanted to share what I've learned and am still learning on this journey. To make the experiences available to those who may be in a similar situation. And I wanted to go one step further. And actually create a community for exchange. Especially for the relatives, but also for the friends of the affected children and young people. In my case, the exchange with others who couldn't help me and who didn't quite understand our situation really got to me. This put me under so much pressure at times that I withdrew from many of the people around me. I didn't want to explain myself. I didn't want to have to tell my extended family how much better or worse the situation was right now. Above all, I didn't want to explain myself for my decisions. When dealing with my daughter, I often weighed up what I should say and how for a long time. Finding the right words was often difficult for me. I think my environment often lacked the words for myself. Looking back, sometimes I would have liked to just hear certain sentences that would have done me good and that would have given me strength.


I want to support thatthat mental health in children and adolescents comes out of the taboo corner.With the ultimate goal that more children and young people can find a little bit more mental health.And I firmly believe that the powerful support of those around them and those they trust can have a significant influence on their healing or on even better handling of the disease. And that's why I want to enlighten, convey information. Enable exchange, carry out research, provide checklists and communication guidelines.


It is my heart's desire to make this project a reality. And I am happy about everyone who encourages me, supports me and lends a hand.

I am grateful that my daughter exists.

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